Iran Hits Back at Israel for Human Rights Allegations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian UN diplomat dismissed the groundless human rights accusations that the Zionist regime has leveled against Tehran, saying a regime based on occupation, massacre, terrorism, aggression and bloodshed has no right to comment on the issue of human rights.

“The fact that an inherently evil entity, whose creation was totally based on occupation, massacre, terrorism, aggression and bloodshed, dares abuse the position of the Human Rights Council to spread lies and hatred is a clear manifestation of portraying evil, mischief and malice as normal (behavior),” Iran’s representative to the UN office in Geneva, Majid Torkaman, said on Wednesday at the 48th regular session of the Human Rights Council.

He pointed to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted in 1975, which ‘determined that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination,’ and called on the UN Human Rights Council to reaffirm adherence to the resolution in the light of “the apartheid regime’s continued policies and crimes, because the reality is the same as emphasized in Resolution 3379: Zionism is synonymous with racism and racial discrimination.”

The envoy said the Palestinian nation has been subjected to various crimes, including “repeated massacre, ethnic cleansing, systematic torture, murder and arbitrary detention,” adding that the bestial measures amounted to war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity under international law, including the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid as well as the International Criminal Court, Press TV reported.

The Iranian envoy particularly took a swipe at Israel for the mistreatment and detention of Palestinian children for pelting stones at Israeli soldiers for protesting “the ruthless monster of occupation and aggression.”

He also criticized the international community for its indifference and inaction concerning the Palestinian calamity, which he referred to as the “most heinous injustice in history,” adding that such an approach coupled with the support of some countries, especially the US, has made the regime feel completely immune to the consequences of its actions.