Ayatollah Khamenei: Palestine Index of Muslim Unity

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described the issue of Palestine as the main index of unity among the Islamic nations, saying if Muslim unity is realized, the Palestinian issue will be resolved in the best way.

The participants in the 35th International Islamic Unity Conference met with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in Tehran on Sunday.

The meeting, also attended by the heads of the three branches of the Iranian government - judiciary, executive, and legislative - and a group of government officials, was held on the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversaries of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Sadiq (AS) at Imam Khomeini Hussainiyyah on Sunday morning.

“An indicator of Muslim unity is the issue of Palestine. If Muslim unity is realized, the issue of Palestine will be solved in the best way. Some Islamic governments committed a grave sin by normalizing relations with the usurping, despotic Zionist regime. They must repent and compensate,” Ayatollah Khamenei said at the meeting.

“On the auspicious birth anniversaries of the Great Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadiq (PBUT), I congratulate the Islamic nation and the world's free-thinking people and I send my greetings to the pure spirits of those who were martyred on the path of Islam,” the Leader noted.

“The birth of the Prophet of Islam is in fact the beginning of a new era in humankind’s life. It’s an announcement that a new era of the divine will and divine favors for humankind have commenced,” the Leader stated.

“In any period of time, it is the believers’ duty to look at what situation they are in, what the religion expects of them, and what mission has been assigned to them. In this era, acting duly based on Islam's comprehensiveness and the issue of Islamic unity appear to be very important,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“Islam is an all-inclusive religion. One must act according to this all-inclusiveness. Worldly political powers insistently try to limit Islam to individuals' deeds and beliefs. The Quran rejects this in 100s of verses. Islam is active in all social, political, international areas,” the Leader underlined.

“The Islamic Unity is definitely a Quranic obligation. The unity of Muslims is not a tactical matter that some people assume we should be united in certain situations. No, it is a principle. Cooperation between Muslims is necessary. If Muslims are united, they will all be strong,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.