Syria Air Defenses Repel Israel's Missile Attack on Damascus

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian air defenses have managed to intercept and shoot down an Israeli missile attack at multiple targets in the vicinity of the capital city of Damascus.

Several Israeli missiles were fired from the direction of the eastern Lebanese town of Rayaq against certain sites near Damascus at about 3:05 a.m. (00:05 GMT) local time on Monday, according to Syria's official news agency SANA, citing a military source.

The Syrian air defenses were able to destroy the most of the missiles.

The strikes had also caused some "material damage," according to the source, but, there were no immediate reports of casualties.

The news comes less than a month after Israel launched a missile attack on Syria's vital western port of Latakia. Following the attack on December 7, it was Israel's second strike on the critical facility in a month.

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. The Syrian government says the Israeli regime and its Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri terrorist groups that are wreaking havoc in the country.

Israel frequently targets military positions inside Syria, especially those of the resistance movement Hezbollah which has played a key role in helping the Syrian army in its fight against the foreign-backed terrorists.

The Tel Aviv regime mostly keeps quiet about its attacks on Syrian territories which many view as a knee-jerk reaction to the Syrian government’s increasing success in confronting terrorism.

Israel has been a key supporter of terrorist groups that have opposed the government of President Bashar al-Assad since the foreign-backed militancy erupted in Syria.