Iran, Finland Call for Inclusive Government in Afghanistan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian and Finnish foreign ministers stressed the need for the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan in order to ensure that country’s domestic stability and regional security.

Foreign Minister of Finland Pekka Haavisto held two rounds of talks with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amirabdollahian in Tehran on Monday.

In the meetings, the two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and regional as well as international issues.

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of establishment of relations between Iran and Finland, the two foreign ministers explored ways to enhance political, economic and parliamentary relations between the two nations, the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

Acknowledging the great economic and trade potential of the two countries, the two ministers stressed that they intend to significantly increase cooperation in these areas. Accordingly, special emphasis was placed on utilizing the important capacities of relations in the fields of transportation, agriculture, technology, medicine, forestry and wood and paper, environment, water resources management and scientific exchanges.

The also discussed the joint efforts to manage the effects and consequences of the developments in Afghanistan regarding refugees, the fight against drug trafficking and the fight against terrorism.

Amirabdollahian and Haavisto stressed the need to support the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan, in a way that promotes internal stability in that country and security in the region.

They further exchanged views on the latest status of Vienna talks, stressing the need for the talks to be fruitful in a way that leads to the return of all parties to the full implementation of their obligations under the nuclear agreement.

In the meeting, the top Iranian diplomat highlighted the definite failure of the policy of maximum pressure of the US.

He also criticized the inaction of the three European countries in the face of this inhumane policy, emphasizing that Iran, based on its national interests and with determination to achieve a good agreement, will continue to participate in the negotiations, but reaching an agreement requires important decisions from the Western parties, especially the US.

The two sides finally exchanged views on some other regional and international developments, including Syria, Yemen and Ukraine.