Iraq Asked to Address Threats against Iran Once and for All

Iraq Asked to Address Threats against Iran Once and for All

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – It is totally unacceptable for Iraq to turn into a source of threat to Iran by hosting terrorist groups or Israeli forces, the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman said, asking the Baghdad government to prevent its borders from being misused.

Asked about a recent missile attack that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched on a Zionist center in Iraq’s Erbil, Saeed Khatibzadeh said at a press conference on Monday, “Iran would not tolerate a hub near its borders becoming the hub of acts of sabotage and deployment of terrorist groups into Iran, either by the anti-Revolution groups or the Zionist regime inside the (Iraqi Kurdistan) Region.”

He said Iran expects the Iraqi central government to end such threats once and for all and prevent an abuse of its borders.

The spokesman said the Zionist regime has repeatedly created insecurity from inside Iraq, and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region has also hosted a series of anti-Iranian gatherings and terrorist groups.

He warned the Israeli regime that Iran has detailed information about all locations where the Zionists are present.

On Sunday, the (IRGC) said it had launched a missile attack on a strategic center of Zionists, warning the Israeli regime that the repetition of evil conducts will draw Iran’s harsh and devastating response.

Speaking to Tasnim, an informed source said the IRGC has fired ten Fateh-class missiles with pinpoint accuracy in the attack on a strategic center of Zionists in Erbil in the wee hours of Sunday, noting that the strike appears to have taken a heavy toll on Zionists.

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