Western Arms Deliveries to Ukraine Threaten Global Security: Russia's US Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Sending weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine are extremely dangerous policies that pose a direct threat to European and global security, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said.

"Pumping the Kiev regime with weapons and sending foreign mercenaries to the Ukrainian territory is irresponsible and extremely dangerous. The militarization of Ukraine poses a direct threat to the European and global security," the Russian embassy’s press service quoted the ambassador as saying in its Telegram channel.

According to Antonov, a significant part of weapons, supplied to Ukraine by the West, "falls into the hands of bandits, Nazis, terrorists and criminals," while "militants who have come from all over the world to Europe can afterwards apply the combat experience gained in Ukraine anywhere," TASS reported.

The diplomat went on to say that the NATO member states have apparently forgotten how the United States "were fishing the MANPADS handed over to the Afghan mujahideens in the 1980s throughout the entire Middle and Near East." "And now, in the pursuit of financial gain, companies of the military-industrial complex have completely lost their moral guidelines and are willing to earn blood money," he continued.

"We call on sponsors of the Kiev regime to stop encouraging bloodshed in Ukraine and give a serious consideration to the consequences of their activities," Antonov said.

US President Joe Biden said last week that his country planned to provide additional military aid to Kiev, including anti-aircraft systems, drones, shoulder-mounted anti-tank missiles, small arms and ammunition. He also pledged $800 million in additional military assistance to Ukraine.