Lavrov Accuses West of Destabilizing International Relations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Western alliance, led by the United States, trying to maintain leadership, destabilizes international relations, while Russia, along with other countries, is interested in a fair world order, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"The situation in the world remains extremely tense. The main reason is the persistent attempts of the US Western alliance to prevent the final loss of its global leadership in the hope of continuing to solve the problems of its own development at the expense of other members of the international community," Lavrov said in an address to the participants in the international inter-party conference "Actual Issues of International Security in the Conditions of Geopolitical Instability".

The text of the appeal was read on Tuesday by Deputy Foreign Minister, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Middle East and Africa Mikhail Bogdanov, RIA Novosti reported.

Lavrov said that the "neo-colonial concept of the world order" that the Americans and their allies are "promoting" contradicts "the majority of countries interested in forming a more just world order and genuine democratization of relations.

"Russia firmly proceeds from the fact that a world where real freedom of political and socio-economic models is ensured provides much more opportunities for dynamic development and prosperity," he stated.