More Than 5,000 Yemeni Patients with Kidney Failure Face Death over Saudi Blockade

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – TEHRAN (Tasnim) – According to Yemen's Ministry of Health, the lengthy Saudi blockade and war on the impoverished Arab nation has resulted in a "human disaster" that threatens the lives of more than 5,000 individuals with renal failure.

Citing Ali Jahaf, National Salvation Government’s Deputy Health Minister the Yemen News Agency (SABA), reported on Sunday that Sana’a raised the alarm about the depletion of the stock of dialysis drugs and medicine for Yemeni patients suffering from chronic kidney disease.

“This is not the first conference and we have held more than one. We have been warning of a human catastrophe threatening the lives of thousands of dialysis patients in various governorates, but there is no response,” Jahaf was quoted as saying by Yemen’s Ansarollah news website.

"We have addressed the United Nations and health organizations operating in Yemen that we need to provide sufficient drug stocks for dialysis sessions for the year 2023 as we need approximately 500,000 dialysis sessions every year without receiving a response despite lots of correspondence and meetings in this regard," he added.

Stressing that dialysis centers in Yemen are standing on the “verge of stopping,” Jahaf said the issue will “affect the lives of 5,000 patients with kidney failure who need dialysis sessions and drugs, and they may lose their lives if these solutions and medicine are not available urgently.”

The deputy health minister underscored the importance of opening Sana'a airport and the port of Hodeidah as they are vital outlets for medicine and food for millions of Yemenis in the besieged areas by the Saudi-led coalition aggression, adding, “In light of the imposed blockade, we are unable as a country to import vital medicine and save our patients.”

Jahaf went on to say that, "We are in urgent need within two weeks to provide dialysis sessions, and our stock has run out."

Anis al-Asbahi, a spokesman for Yemen’s Ministry of Health, also called on international organizations to urgently provide dialysis sessions so that dialysis centers would continue to operate and save the lives of Yemeni patients.

Asbahi held the United Nations responsible for saving the lives of dialysis patients and responding to the basic requirements of the Yemeni people under the siege, stressing the need to open Sana'a airport and Hodeidah port.

In March 2015, Saudi Arabia began a bloody war against Yemen in coordination with its Arab allies and with the assistance of the US and other Western nations, who provided armaments and logistical support.

The goal was to crush the popular Ansarullah resistance movement, which had been in charge of running the country's affairs in the absence of a functioning government.

While the Saudi-led coalition has failed to accomplish any of its goals, the war has killed hundreds of thousands of Yemenis and caused the biggest humanitarian disaster in history.