Beijing to Respond to US Sanctions on Chinese Firms under Pretext of Balloon Incident

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Beijing will take countermeasures in response to US sanctions imposed on Chinese companies under the pretext of the situation with Chinese balloon flying over the US, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday.

"China strongly opposes this and will take countermeasures against relevant US entities that damage China's sovereignty and security in accordance with the law," the diplomat told reporters.

Last week, the US Commerce Department blacklisted six Chinese companies that, according to Washington, facilitate the development of China's aerospace industry, including the production of balloons, Sputnik reported.

China has repeatedly explained the circumstances of what happened, but the US side has abused force, overreacted and escalated the situation, and used it as a pretext to impose illegal sanctions against Chinese enterprises and institutions, the spokesman added.