Iran-Saudi Reconciliation to Boost Regional Security: Shamkhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hailing the transparent and constructive negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia that resulted in rapprochement after seven years, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said the thaw will greatly contribute to regional security and stability.

In comments after the release of a trilateral statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the People’s Republic of China on Friday, Shamkhani described five rounds of preliminary negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia hosted by Iraq and Oman as a contributory factor in the achievement of rapprochement between Tehran and Riyadh.

He also noted that the visit that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi paid to Beijing in February and the talks he held with Chinese President Xi Jinping paved the way for the formation of “fresh and very serious negotiations” between the Iranian and Saudi delegations.

“The dialogue between the two countries (Iran and Saudi Arabia) were explicit, transparent, all-inclusive and constructive. The correction of misunderstandings and the future-oriented outlook for the relations between Tehran and Riyadh will definitely entail the promotion of regional stability and security and closer cooperation among the Persian Gulf states and the Islamic world for addressing the existing challenges,” Shamkhani stated.

The top Iranian security official also praised China for playing a constructive role in supporting the expansion of ties among the countries, which is a prerequisite for the removal of challenges and enhancement of international peace, stability and cooperation.

Following days of intensive talks in Beijing, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on Friday to resume their diplomatic relations and reopen their embassies and diplomatic missions within at most two months.

Diplomatic relations between Tehran and Riyadh soured following the January 2016 execution of Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, an outspoken critic of the Saudi monarchy, in Saudi Arabia. Riyadh cut ties with Tehran afterwards, responding to attacks by angry protesters on its embassy in the Iranian capital.