Iran Urges Denmark to Act Firmly against Sacrilegious Moves

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani strongly condemned the repeated desecration of the Holy Quran in Denmark, calling on the Danish government to act decisively to prevent a recurrence of such heinous sacrilegious moves.

In a statement on Saturday, Kanaani said the sacrilegious act in Denmark that was done at the hands of an extremist group in the holy month of Ramadan, in which the Quran was revealed, constituted an affront to the divine religion of Islam and a gross insult to all world Muslims.

The spokesman stressed that this aggressive and provocative act happened on Friday while free people of the world were unanimously calling for the liberation of al-Quds from the clutches of the murderous and seditious Zionist regime, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

Kanaani added that this sacrilegious act was the cheapest way for exposing a false claim that is described in the West as the freedom of speech.

He noted that freely insulting the sanctities of Muslims is another form of extremism and Takfiri violence and is equally deplorable and deserves a deterring response from the international community.

He finally called on the Danish government to prevent the repetition of such disgusting moves and take decisive measures to this end.

Since last year, the frequency of insults against Islam and its holy book has been on the rise in Europe. Several European countries have been playing host to such despicable acts on their soils over the past months, drawing far-and-wide condemnation from the world's Muslim countries.

In January, dual Danish and Swedish citizen Rasmus Paludan burned a copy of the Holy Quran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, and later again in front of a mosque.

Days later in the Netherlands, far-right extremist, Edwin Wagensveld, who leads the anti-Muslim PEGIDA party, tore a copy of the Quran apart before setting it on fire.

Muslim countries across the world, especially in the West Asia region, have issued separate statements, condemning in the strongest terms desecration of the Holy Quran in Denmark. They asserted that such insulting acts hurt the feelings of the world Muslims during the fasting month of Ramadan, Press TV reported.