IRGC Quds Force Vows Support for Resistance Until Collapse of Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran will keep backing the Palestinian resistance, in words and in practice, in a course that leads to the complete downfall of the Zionist regime, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force commander said.

Addressing a cultural ceremony in Iran’s northeastern city of Mashhad, Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani said the IRGC Quds Force will continue to provide support for the young Palestinian resistance forces and their “strong heroic front” to the greatest extent possible, both in words and in practice.

The commander stated that such support and concerted efforts will continue until the complete downfall of the Zionist regime.

Paying tribute to young Palestinian fighters for carrying out operations against the Israeli regime in the West Bank, at times more than 30 ones in a single day, the Iranian general said, “These are the result of the resistance front and the global Islamic mobilization.”

General Qaani also noted that the resistance front has grown into an extensive axis that has connected various parts of resistance across the world together.

In remarks in April, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei urged the Muslim world to seize the great opportunity provided by the acceleration of decline of the Zionist regime which has begun since a couple of years ago.

The Leader considered the issue of Palestine as one of the most fundamental issues of the Islamic world and pointed to the gradual decline of the usurping Zionist regime. “This decline, which began a few years ago, has accelerated now and the Islamic world must take advantage of this great opportunity,” he said.