Turkish Election Commission Sets Date for Second Round of Presidential Election

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Turkey will hold a runoff election on May 28 as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan faces a close challenge from his rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu.

Both candidates fell short of the required 50% threshold in the initial round, prompting the second round of voting. Erdogan secured 49.51% of the votes, while Kilicdaroglu obtained 44.88%.

With 100% of the ballot boxes opened, the results hovered just below the crucial 50% mark, according to Turkey's Supreme Election Council. The outcome of the second round will determine whether Erdogan maintains his 20-year grip on power or if a political shift occurs.

During the early hours following the results, both candidates sought to energize their supporters. Erdogan expressed confidence, stating, "We are already ahead of our closest rival by 2.6 million votes." He anticipated an increase in the lead with the official results and expressed belief in securing over 50% of the votes.

The upcoming runoff election will determine the future trajectory of Turkey's leadership and its political and economic direction. Meanwhile, supporters for both candidates claimed momentum was on the side of their candidate.