Iran Rules Out Talks on Interim Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson refuted the idea of negotiations to strike a new interim agreement other than the 2015 nuclear deal.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani said what Iran considers as the basis is the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the fulfillment of its interests in conformity with the guidelines given by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and with the parliamentary law on “strategic measure for the removal of sanctions”.

“We consider the other things that are said as media speculations. We would not confirm anything as negotiation for an interim deal,” he added.

Asked about the reports of negotiations between Iran and the US in Oman, the spokesman said Tehran welcomed the Sultanate of Oman’s good offices in order to give a boost to the negotiations on the removal of sanctions.

A series of messages have been exchanged with the US via Oman, and this process is in progress, he noted.

Underscoring Iran’s constant efforts to nullify the sanctions by relying on its domestic capacities and relations with its neighbors, Kanaani said Iran has never left the negotiation table with the aim of fulfilling the Iranian nation’s interests.

“Our criterion is the performance of the other side, not the media analyses,” he stated.

Describing the revival of the JCPOA as only one of the issues, not the whole point, in Iran’s foreign policy agenda, Kanaani said Tehran maintains that any agreement needs to comply with the Leader’s guidelines, the national interests and the law on strategic measure for the removal of sanctions.