Iran Ready to Share Experience in Defeating Sanctions with Venezuela

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Highlighting Iran’s success in turning the threat of foreign sanctions into opportunities for progress, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said Tehran would share these experiences with Venezuela.

Raisi held a meeting with the president and a number of heads of the caucuses of the National Assembly of Venezuela in Caracas on Tuesday.

Lauding the Venezuelan nation and government for their resistance against the system of domination, Raisi said that in the consultations held during this trip, he has focused on the necessity of expanding relations and examining solutions for it.

"There are very good potentials and capabilities in the two countries, the actualization of which can improve the relations between the two countries to a certain level despite the cruel sanctions,” he added, his official website reported.

The president stated, "Tehran and Caracas should turn sanctions and pressure into opportunities for progress; This movement has started in Iran and in the last two years good steps have been taken in this direction and these experiences can be used in Venezuela as well.”

Raisi also described Iran as a friend of Venezuela in difficult days and stated, "The Islamic Republic of Iran has made significant progress in the fields of energy, industry and technology, and we are ready to exchange these experiences and capabilities with Venezuela."

Referring to the regular elections in Iran and Venezuela and the establishment of democratic systems in the two countries, the president criticized the double standards of the domination seekers under the pretext of democracy and noted, "The parliaments of Iran and Venezuela are a manifestation of the political will of the people of the two countries and they can play an effective role in expanding cooperation in different fields."

The Iranian president left Venezuela on Wednesday for Nicaragua. He will also visit Cuba afterwards.