Palestinian Journalist Wounded by Israeli Fire during West Bank Military Raid

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Palestinian journalist reporting from Jenin was injured by Israeli fire during a military raid in the occupied West Bank city, according to the health ministry.

Hazem Nasser, a cameraman for Al-Ghad TV channel, stated that he was targeted by Israeli snipers while seeking refuge behind an ambulance.

He was later transported to Ibn Sina Hospital for treatment. The health ministry described Nasser's injury as ranging from moderate to severe.

The ongoing Israeli military operation in Jenin has resulted in at least 91 injuries, with 10 individuals in critical condition. So far, five Palestinians have been reported killed during the raid.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) condemned the operation and mourned the deaths of three Palestinians, vowing to continue their resistance.

The PIJ called for a mass demonstration in Gaza to denounce Israeli aggression and protest the military operation in Jenin.