Iran Blasts Zionists’ Desecration of Quran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran by the Zionist regime’s settlers in the West Bank.

Nasser Kanaani posted a tweet on Friday after a group of Israeli settlers stormed the village of Urif south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

“The barbaric raid by Zionists on mosques and their desecration of the Holy Quran, the destruction of homes and the daily killing of children, women and defenseless Palestinians shows this fake regime does not have any red lines in insulting religious sanctities and violating human rights,” the spokesman said.

“The supportive silence of Western governments will only embolden the Zionists to continue their atrocities,” he added, according to the Foreign Ministry’s website.

The Israeli attackers also forced their way into a local mosque on Friday and vandalized it before ripping the pages of a copy of the Muslim holy book and throwing it into the street.

So far this week, more than a dozen Palestinians have been killed in violence staged either by the Israeli military or armed Israeli settlers.

The fatalities include a Palestinian male, who was killed on Wednesday when hundreds of the settlers went on a rampage across the village of Turmus Ayya in the north-central West Bank.