27 Coastal Towns to Be Constructed in 4 Southern Provinces: Iranian Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Referring to the planning made for construction of 27 coastal towns in four southern provinces of the country, the Iranian deputy minister of roads and urban development said that constructing new towns is a main policy of the current administration.

Alireza Jafari made the remarks on Monday, adding, “Given the approaches taken and macro policies adopted for guiding population towards the southern part of the country, turning potential opportunities of sea-based economy, productive capacities of agriculture, employment capacities, energy and petrochemical management at Makran coastal areas, coasts of the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman have been emphasized.”

He said these 27 coastal areas will be constructed in Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan and Sistan-Balouchestan provinces.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Jafari pointed to the planning made for the construction of Khalij-e-Fars (Persian Gulf) New Town and added that the ground has been set for domestic investors to seize the opportunity for investing in the southern coastal area.

He put the current number of new towns in the country at 20 and added that four other new towns are under construction.

The construction operation of new towns based on Iranian-Islamic identity with a focus on smart building and use of modern technologies are among the main policies of the government, he went on to say.