Iran Summons Italian Ambassador Over Hosting Anti-Iran Terrorist Group Leader

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran has strongly protested against the decision of the Italian parliament to host the leader of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), an anti-Iran terrorist group, resulting in the summoning of Italy's Ambassador to Tehran, Giuseppe Perrone.

Majid Nili Ahmad-Abadi, the Director-General for Western Europe at Iran's Foreign Ministry, called on Italy to uphold its international obligations in the fight against terrorism during a meeting on Thursday.

Tehran criticized the meeting between Italian legislators and Maryam Rajavi, describing it as a clear example of promoting and encouraging terrorism. The Iranian diplomat emphasized that Iran categorically condemns any form of support for terrorism by anyone.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry affirmed its respect for the national sovereignty of other countries and the protection of freedom of expression and behavior within the framework of the law. The ministry emphasized that allowing terrorists to act freely would undermine law and the freedom of law-abiding individuals, a destructive outcome that all civilized nations seek to prevent.

The Iranian official underscored the Iranian people's strong aversion to the MKO, stating that any support for terrorism is condemned. Iran urged the Italian government to demonstrate its seriousness in preventing the country from becoming a safe haven for terrorists.

The official also warned that supporting terrorism would severely tarnish Italy's image in the eyes of public opinion and would not guarantee the country's interests in benefiting from constructive ties with Iran.

Reportedly, Maryam Rajavi was invited by the Italian Parliament to participate in a hearing session of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

The MKO has been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks against Iranian civilians and government officials since the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Out of the approximately 17,000 Iranians killed in terrorist attacks over the past four decades, around 12,000 have been victims of the MKO's acts of terror.

In June, Albanian police entered the MKO camp, known as Ashraf-3, near Tirana due to the group's engagement in terrorist and cyberattacks against foreign institutions. The authorities seized 150 computer devices linked to terrorist activities. Clashes at the camp resulted in at least one fatality and dozens of injuries. The police subsequently entered the camp again, deploying security forces at the entrance to control departing vehicles.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama stated that if the MKO wants to use Albanian soil to fight against Iran, the group must leave the country. He emphasized that Albania has no intention of being at war with Iran and does not accept anyone who abuses their hospitality.

Previously, the European Union, Canada, the United States, and Japan had listed the MKO as a terrorist organization. However, in 2012, the group was removed from the US list of terrorist organizations, followed by its removal from the EU's list.