Protesters in Heilbronn Rally against German Arms Supplies to Ukraine (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of Heilbronn on Saturday to protest against German arms supplies to Ukraine, Green Party policies, and the upcoming ban on the installation of oil and gas heating systems starting next year.

The protesters were seen beating drums and marching with banners and signs displaying messages such as "Over 80% did not vote for the Greens" and "Get out of NATO."



One demonstrator expressed their concerns about the situation in Ukraine, stating, "What is left over in Ukraine is just a massacre. A disgusting, useless massacre of human beings. Ukraine cannot win this war." They further criticized what they perceived as the US's imperialistic policy, claiming it aimed to harm Russia at the cost of Ukrainian lives. The demonstrator concluded by saying, "That's why I say in conclusion: Amy go home," Ruptly reported.

The proposed plan to phase out oil and gas heating systems from 2024, put forth by Germany's Economy and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck, who is a member of the Green Party, has been adopted by the coalition government consisting of the Greens, Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats, and the Free Democrats.

Another protester addressed the crowd, highlighting their concerns about the potential impact of the Buildings Energy Act on millions of properties in Germany. They questioned the lack of consistent EU-wide standards and expressed doubts about the EU's ability to handle the consequences of rendering properties uninhabitable.

Habeck argues that the measure will contribute to climate protection and help alleviate the high costs associated with fossil fuel energy, which have escalated due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.