Violent Protests Erupt After Israel's Knesset Approves Controversial Judicial Overhaul (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Violent protests erupted in various parts of the occupied territories as Israel's Knesset approved a key part of a highly unpopular judicial overhaul plan spearheaded by the regime’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right cabinet.

The regime's legislature approved the first bill of the plan in a tumultuous session on Monday, with opposition legislators walking out in protest and shouting "for shame!"

The bill prevents the regime's supreme court from striking down the Israeli cabinet's decisions if it deems them "unreasonable," part of a broader scheme announced by Netanyahu in January to curb alleged undue political interference by judges.



Opponents argue that the plan will remove necessary checks on politicians' power and accuse Netanyahu, who is on trial for several corruption charges, of using the scheme to quash potential judgments against him.

Protests against the bill began early Monday, with regime forces dragging away chained protesters in the occupied city of al-Quds and blocking the road outside the Knesset.

As evening approached, thousands of protesters took to the streets in various cities, blocking highways and clashing with Israeli forces. At least 19 people were arrested.

In Tel Aviv, horse-mounted Israeli forces attempted to disperse protesters on the main highway, where small fires were lit. A driver rammed his car into a crowd blocking a road, lightly wounding three people; the driver was later arrested.

Shortly after the Knesset's vote, a political watchdog group announced it would appeal against the bill at the Supreme Court.

In a televised speech during ongoing protests, Netanyahu stated his intention to seek dialogue with the opposition for an all-inclusive agreement by the end of November.

Tel Aviv's main share indices tumbled up to 2.5 percent following the vote, and the regime's currency, the shekel, slid one percent against the dollar.

Opposition leaders vowed to challenge the bill, and the head of a major labor federation threatened to declare a general strike if Netanyahu's cabinet pursued "unilateral" measures.