Iran Offers to Share Scientific Achievements with Sri Lanka

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi expressed the country’s readiness to share its experiences in scientific and technological fields with Sri Lanka.

In a meeting with Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Ali Sabry, held in Tehran on Sunday, President Raisi hailed the constructive and growing relations between the two countries.

Pointing to Iran’s “eye-catching progress” in the scientific and technological fields despite the pressure of cruel sanctions, the president said, “We are prepared to share these capabilities with the friendly nations, such as Sri Lanka.”

He highlighted Sri Lanka’s great potential for development, noting that the world nations can prosper and grow without “colonial and self-interested foreign interference”.

For his part, the Sri Lankan foreign minister praised Iran for its enormous progress in various fields under foreign sanctions.

He also touched on the “constructive activities” of the Iranian companies in Sri Lanka, saying the Colombo government is eager to promote economic, technological and medical cooperation with Iran.

In a meeting with his Iranian counterpart on Saturday, Sabry described his country as the gateway to East Asia, saying, “I invite the Iranian companies to pay attention to Sri Lanka. Two-thirds of growth in the future will happen in Asia. We call on your (Iranian) companies to make investments in our country.”