BRICS Powers Commit to Strengthening Ties with Iran Amid Membership Invitation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - President Xi Jinping of China as well as other BRICS powers expressed their willingness to enhance cooperation with Iran on multiple platforms, following the formal invitation of the Islamic Republic to become a full member of the group.

The invitation was extended at the 15th BRICS leaders' summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In a meeting with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi during the summit, President Xi congratulated Iran on its BRICS membership.

He affirmed China's readiness to deepen mutual trust and friendship with Iran, stating, "China is ready to consolidate friendship and deepen mutual trust with the Iranian side and to continue to support each other on issues of mutual core interests."

President Xi emphasized China's commitment to fostering healthy and robust multilateralism through strengthened cooperation with Iran, according to China Central Television (CCTV).

Raisi, in response, expressed Iran's readiness to bolster its bilateral cooperation with China and contribute to the advancement of multilateralism. He also noted that Iran's BRICS membership would reinforce the group's core principles, including opposition to US unilateralism.

Referring to existing agreements between Tehran and Beijing, Raisi stressed the importance of implementing a comprehensive 25-year deal between the two countries.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also engaged in comprehensive discussions with President Raisi, reviewing various aspects of bilateral relations, including trade and investment, energy, connectivity, counter-terrorism, and the situation in Afghanistan.

Modi expressed his satisfaction with Iran's inclusion in BRICS, stating, "Had a wonderful meeting with President Ebrahim Raisi. I am glad that Iran will be joining BRICS. Discussed ways to deepen trade and cultural cooperation between India and Iran," via social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter).

The Indian Prime Minister's office disclosed that they deliberated on ways to strengthen ties in sectors such as energy, connectivity, and trade. They also discussed fast-tracking infrastructure cooperation, including the Chabahar project, and exchanged views on regional developments, including the situation in Afghanistan.

Raisi thanked Modi for India's support in facilitating Iran's BRICS membership and congratulated him on the successful Chandrayaan mission. Both leaders underscored the importance of furthering their bilateral cooperation.

In a separate meeting, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva lauded Iran's BRICS membership and identified opportunities for collaboration in scientific, technological, academic exchanges, and cultural engagement between the two nations.

President Lula condemned sanctions as a "criminal weapon" against nations, highlighting the need to redesign existing international structures to prevent the encroachment of powerful nations on the rights of others.

President Raisi expressed satisfaction with Lula's re-election and called for the advancement of relations and expanded bilateral cooperation between Iran and Brazil. He also referenced the failure of the "maximum pressure" policy against Iran and emphasized Iran's significant advances in science and technology despite harsh sanctions.

Iran's membership in BRICS was a highly sought-after achievement, with numerous countries vying for the opportunity. Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian commended Iran's inclusion in BRICS, considering it a "great achievement" that would strengthen multilateralism and align with Iran's macro diplomatic strategies.

President Raisi's visit to South Africa included participation in the "Friends of BRICS" summit in Pretoria, South Africa's administrative capital. BRICS, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, collectively represents a substantial portion of the global population and world GDP. The group announced its agreement to admit Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia as new members starting from January 1, 2024.