Israeli Attacks against Syria Not to Go Unanswered: Iran FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian condemned the Israeli regime’s recurrent attacks against Syria, saying they won’t go unanswered.

The Islamic Republic “vehemently condemns Israel’s recurrent attacks against Syria,” Amirabdollahian said in the Syrian capital on Wednesday, during a joint press conference with his Syrian counterpart Faisal al-Mekdad.

The Zionist regime's criminal activities targeting Syria would not go unanswered, he added.

Israel has been using Syria's Tel Aviv-occupied Golan Heights as a launchpad for its acts of military aggression against the Arab nation.

The attacks intensified after 2011 when Syria found itself in the grip of all-out foreign-backed militancy and terrorism.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Amirabdollahian urged the United States to take its military forces out of Syria.

“We advise the American military forces to go back home, and also advise the United States officials to leave the region to its inhabitants,” he said, according to Press TV.

The Iranian top diplomat had arrived in Syria earlier in the day to hold talks with the senior officials of the Arab country.

"During today’s talks, we discussed the continuation of the fight against terrorism, and the US efforts to reorganize these (terror) groups," Amirabdollahian said of his earlier negotiations with Mekdad.

Since 2014, the US has deployed forces and military equipment in Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a United Nations mandate under the pretext of fighting Daesh (ISIL or ISIS). The Takfiri terrorist group had emerged as Washington was running out of excuses to extend its regional meddling or enlarge it in scale.

American forces sustain their illegal presence on Syrian soil, although Damascus and its allies -- including Iran, which has been lending military advisory support to the Syrian army -- defeated Daesh in late 2017.

Amirabdollahian asserted that the Islamic Republic would continue supporting the Syrian leadership, army, and people until the return of stability to the Arab country.

“Syria and the region’s security is our serious common concern. Syria is a very important country in our region that no party can ignore,” he added.

Mekdad, for his part, said, “The US and (other) Western countries' aggressive policies against Iran and Syria, especially their investment in terrorism as means of their trying to realize their political goals, continue.”