Iran Lauds Africa’s Struggle against Colonialism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The president of Iran praised the African nations’ fight against colonialism and terrorism.

In a meeting with the foreign minister of Burkina Faso, held in Tehran on Monday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi highlighted the amicable relations between Tehran and African countries after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

The Iranian president also lauded African nations’ perseverance and resistance against colonialism and terrorism, saying this struggle signifies that Africans are vigilant and awake and correctly recognize contemporary needs.

He also argued that the activities of the joint commission on economic cooperation between Iran and Burkina Faso will facilitate and expedite the trade exchanges and promote bilateral cooperation.

The president further expressed Iran’s readiness to share its experiences and achievements with friendly nations, particularly the Africans.

For her part, Burkinabe Foreign Minister Olivia Ragnaghnewende Rouamba said African countries get inspiration from the Islamic Revolution’s resistance in the face of arrogance and hegemony.

She noted that the most important topic on the agenda of her visit to Tehran is to give impetus to cooperation with Iran.

Describing Iran as a friend and brother of Burkina Faso, Rouamba said Ouagadougou is eager to strengthen cooperation with Tehran.