EU Criticizes Bibi’s Policies

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell deplored the Israeli prime minister’s provocative policies, stressing the need for efforts to ease tensions and end the military clashes in Gaza.

In a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on Monday, Borrell expressed his views about the outbreak of fighting between the Israeli regime and the Palestinian resistance forces in Gaza.

He said the EU has been critical of Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct, but the efforts at present should be focused on ensuring peace.

For his part, the Iranian foreign minister called on the international community to support the rights of Palestinians.

Denouncing the Zionist regime and Netanyahu’s “extremist and inhumane” measures taken against the Palestinian people during recent months, Amirabdollahian described the Al-Aqsa Storm operation as a reaction of the resistance forces to the Israeli crimes.

The top Iranian diplomat also decried the West’s indifference to the “systematic atrocities” that Israel commits against Palestinians, adding, “If Europe and the West had stopped Netanyahu’s crimes without double standards, Palestine would have not witnessed the current conditions.”

On Saturday morning, the Palestinian fighters launched a hybrid surprise operation outside Gaza after Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in recent days and a record number of Palestinians were killed by Israel in recent months.

The Zionist regime has responded by pounding the besieged Gaza Strip after formally declaring war against the Palestinian Hamas group.

The latest death toll stands at 704 Palestinians, according to health officials, and more than 1,100 Israelis.