China Not Imposing Anything on Anybody: Putin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The current foreign policy of China, including the one implemented in the Belt and Road project, is built on searching for a compromise, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in the interview with the China Media Group.

Beijing endeavors to find projects and ways of achieving common goals that are acceptable for everybody, the Russian leader said.

"This is a specific feature of current China headed by President Xi Jinping in building relations with others," he said, TASS reported.

"Nobody imposes anything on anyone else; nobody enforces. Only an opportunity is offered," Putin stressed.

If any complications arise, "there is a search for a compromise," the Russian president said.

"They are always found. In my opinion, this distinguishes the Belt and Road project offered by the President of China from many other ones attempted to be implemented globally by countries with heavy colonialist heritage," Putin added.