Russia Shares Iran’s View on Root Causes of Gaza Crisis

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The presidents of Iran and Russia denounced the Israeli military strikes on the Gaza Strip, expressing concern about the spread of conflict to other regions.

In a telephone conversation on Monday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin talked about ways to end the Zionist regime’s onslaught on the Gaza Strip.

Hailing Russia’s stances in condemnation of the Israeli war crimes and genocide in Gaza, Raisi said, “Considering what is happening in Gaza, there’s a possibility that the war and clashes might spread to other fronts. In that case, it will be more difficult to control the situation.”

He also called on the international community and Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, to play a more active role in stopping the Zionist regime’s war crimes.

Taking a swipe at the Israeli regime’s leaders for their attempts to link the recent developments to external reasons, Raisi said, “The root of these incidents should be sought in 75 years of cruelty, crimes, apartheid, massacre and desecration of the sanctities of Palestinian people.”

The Iranian president also warned that the blind support from Western countries, particularly the US, for the Zionist regime would encourage Israel to aggravate and continue the genocide in Gaza.

“The major catastrophe that is now happening in the region is the result of the policies of the US and other Western sponsors of the Zionist regime that are doomed to failure,” Raisi added.

For his part, Putin said Russia’s analysis of the root causes of the crisis in Gaza is analogous to Iran’s.

The massive Israeli strikes on the densely-populated Gaza Strip are unjustifiable and must end immediately, the Russian president stated.

Warning of the negative consequences of an Israeli ground offensive on Gaza, Putin said the US sought to press on with its own strategy to address the issue of Palestine, but that solution has ended in failure.

Russia is also worried about the possibility of the spread of the current clashes in Gaza to other regions, Putin stated.

The Israeli regime has been pounding the Gaza Strip for ten days. At least 2,750 Palestinians have been killed and 9,700 wounded in the Israeli airstrikes.