Terrible Revenge Awaits Israel: Iran’s Intelligence Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Intelligence Minister Esmaeil Khatib warned the Zionist regime and its sponsors that they will have to pay a heavy price for the heinous attacks on Palestinian people in Gaza.

The US and all other governments backing the Zionist regime must bear in mind that their support for the Israeli crimes won’t remain unanswered by the regional people and the freedom-seekers, Khatib said on Saturday.

The Iranian intelligence minister also warned the Zionist regime and its backers to wait for a harsh, devastating, and calamitous revenge for their crimes against Gazans.

“The (Israeli) regime will never experience security. Its social rift and political discord will escalate both from within and from outside,” he added.

The minister stated that the Zionist regime’s atrocities against Palestine have ruined the course of normalization of ties with Israel irreparably.

Khatib reminded the governments that sought to appease the US by normalizing ties with the Zionist regime that the situation has changed and the attempts at the normalization of ties will get nowhere.

Gaza has been hit by a relentless barrage of Israeli fire following an operation by Hamas fighters on October 7.

The Israeli regime’s campaign since has killed at least 4,385 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, most of them civilians.