Israel, Sponsors No True Friends of Nations, Iran Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Zionist regime’s atrocities against Gaza and the brazen supports from the US and its Western allies for such horrific crimes are a reminder that the hegemonic regimes and governments will never be a true friend of nations, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said.

Raisi made the remark in a meeting with Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan in Tehran on Monday.

Decrying the destructive role of the US, the Zionist regime and the Western countries in disrupting peace and stability in the Caucasus, the president said, “Today's crimes by the Zionist regime in Gaza and the disclosure of supporting these crimes by America and its Western allies is a lesson for all countries to know that these domineering governments and regimes will never be their true friends.”

The recent developments in Gaza are the manifestation of the Zionist regime's racist and apartheid policies against the nations of the region and proof of the gross error of establishing relations with the usurping Zionist regime, which will never be accepted by the nations, Raisi added, his official website reported.

He slammed the American policy of supporting the Zionist crimes against Gaza as the continuation of the failed policy of Washington in the campaign against Iraq and Afghanistan and added, “We are sure that what is happening in Palestine these days will end in the benefit of the Palestinians.”

He further described the interference of outsiders as being harmful to peace and stability in the region.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran, considering its powerful and influential position, is ready to help resolve the existing discords between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” the president stated.

Mirzoyan, for his part, appreciated the clear and strong positions of Iran regarding the developments in the Caucasus region. He emphasized the necessity of holding meetings and dialogue among the countries of the region in this critical period with Iran as the axis.

Condemning the Zionist regime’s attacks on civilians, especially the women and children of Gaza, the Armenian foreign minister said Yerevan’s position towards the oppressed people of Palestine is in line with the positions of Iran.

At least 5,087 Palestinians have been killed and thousands of others wounded in Israeli attacks since October 7, when Hamas launched a surprise operation outside Gaza.