Russia Assessing Informal US Proposals on Strategic Stability, Senior Diplomat Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Moscow has received a set of informal proposals from Washington regarding strategic stability issues, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told reporters.

"It is what is called a 'non-paper.' That said, it’s on paper but it is an informal pro memoria (note pertaining to a diplomatic discussion)," he said, commenting on reports that Russia had received US proposals on strategic stability and arms control, TASS reported.

When asked if Moscow was ready to assess them, the deputy foreign minister said: "We are doing exactly that together with other agencies.

"There is nothing new. It is a well-known position that has been put into a single document. We are calmly studying it and will give a response to the Americans in due time. It is too early to talk about the form of our response," the senior Russian diplomat added.

When asked whether it could be viewed as a resumption of dialogue, Ryabkov said: "No. They are suggesting that a dialogue on strategic stability and arms control be maintained on a regular basis, irrespective of and in isolation from any other developments.

"We are not ready for that because we believe that, as long as the US does not change its deeply hostile policy toward Russia, it will be impossible to return to a dialogue on strategic stability, including issues related to New START (the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) and other matters, in accordance with previous (diplomatic) practices," the deputy foreign minister noted.