No Limits for Kiev: Russian Foreign Ministry

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Kiev’s attack on the Kursk nuclear power plant with three drones has shown that there are no limits for Ukrainian authorities, up to their resorting to nuclear terrorism, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

"On the evening of October 26, the Ukrainian military intentionally attacked the Kursk nuclear power plant using three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). One of the UAVs loaded with explosives crashed into a dry cask storage, damaging its walls," she said TASS reported.

"The other two fell on the compound of the NPP’s administrative buildings," Zakharova said, adding that, according to preliminary information, the drones used for the attack had West-supplied parts.

"The recent (incident) proves that there are no limits for (Ukraine), up to and including the acts of nuclear terrorism," she said.