Analyst Highlights Gulf between US Public Opinion, Biden Administration on Gaza Conflict

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Palestinian political analyst Omar Baddar emphasized the stark disparity between public sentiment in the United States and the stance taken by the Biden administration regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

"It’s such a significant discord that the overwhelming majority of Americans now support a ceasefire, and yet it seems like the political establishment is entirely deaf to the calls of the American people," Baddar told Al Jazeera.

The overarching objective of the continuous protests in solidarity with Palestinians is to bring attention to the issue and create a political cost for the administration's current policy. "Unfortunately, it looks like Washington is beholden to the influence of private lobbying groups that they’re trying to cater to... and are operating with an outdated mindset in which you have to be pro-Israel to have a political career and survive politically," Baddar asserted.

Scotland’s first minister, whose parents-in-law are trapped in the Gaza Strip, has reiterated calls for an immediate ceasefire. Humza Yousaf stated, “I am sorry to those innocent men, women and children in Jabalia Refugee Camp that the world could not protect you. This blatant disregard for human life must be condemned unequivocally.”

Despite mounting international appeals, the Biden administration have refused to back growing calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Amid his staunch backing of Israel, the US president has seen his support plummet among Arab Americans.

The US State Department confirmed that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit Tel Aviv later this week. "Secretary Blinken will travel to Israel on Friday for meetings with members of the Israeli government, and then will make other stops in the region, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller mentioned," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller mentioned. However, the specific destinations within the region were not specified.