Israeli Airstrikes Target UN School, Scores Feared Dead

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The health ministry in Gaza reported that at least 12 people have been killed in an Israeli airstrikes on the United Nations-run al-Fakhoora school, a shelter for displaced individuals within Jabalia refugee camp.

Concerns have arisen that the number of casualties could be much higher.

The attack on the al-Fakhoora school occurred shortly after another deadly strike on a different school sheltering displaced families in the al-Saftawi area north of Gaza City.

Moreover, the director of al-Shifa Hospital has disclosed that at least 15 people were killed in the attack, with dozens sustaining injuries. He noted, “The number (of people killed) is expected to rise.”

Rescue teams are working diligently to extract more individuals from the site, and the final casualty count remains uncertain.

This marks the third significant attack on Jabalia refugee camp, although Israeli air strikes have persisted across various locations in Gaza.

Recent events have created an atmosphere of apprehension, with people sheltering in hospitals, schools, mosques, and churches, fearing imminent Israeli strikes.

The al-Fakhoora school, located within Jabalia refugee camp, is one of the largest in the north and had been housing thousands of people who had fled previous air strikes in the region.

In the past few days, the camp has already been hit three times, reflecting a wider pattern of destruction in Gaza.

Another massive bombardment occurred in a central neighborhood in Gaza City, leaving the area heavily damaged and residents searching for survivors.

As the conflict escalates, air strikes have not only targeted homes and infrastructure but have also taken aim at essential resources such as solar panels and generators, which Gaza residents have relied upon after Israel cut off power and fuel supplies to the besieged territory weeks ago.

The attacks on these critical energy sources have further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis, leaving residents with limited access to electricity and basic necessities.

The situation in Gaza remains dire, with the residents enduring ongoing suffering amid escalating violence that has taken at least 9,227 Palestinians' lives since the Israeli attacks on Gaza began on October 7.