G7 Foreign Ministers to Discuss Middle East, Ukraine in Tokyo

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Group of Seven foreign ministers meet in Tokyo on November 7-8 to discuss the latest escalation in occupied Palestine and the situation around Ukraine.

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, who will chair the meeting, recently returned from her tour of the Middle East during which she visited Tel Aviv, Palestine and Jordan for talks with her counterparts, TASS reported.

Whether the G7 foreign ministers will issue a joint statement in Tokyo is still unknown. A Japanese Foreign Ministry official said on November 2 that it was too early to discuss that as he said that Japan would coordinate the issue with its G7 allies.

However, sources told the Kyodo news agency that a document calling for a ceasefire for humanitarian purposes was currently being formulated.

According to Kyodo, the meeting will mostly focus on the Middle East. The top diplomats will also discuss the situation in the Indo-Pacific region as well as the group’s unwavering support for Ukraine. Central Asian foreign ministers and Ukraine’s top diplomat Dmitry Kuleba will join the discussions.