NYC Mayor's Devices Seized by FBI in Corruption Probe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared he had "nothing to hide" after the FBI seized his electronic devices in the street as part of a corruption investigation into his 2021 election campaign.

Adams, a Democratic politician and former police officer, confirmed that FBI agents approached him earlier this week following a raid on his chief campaign fundraiser's home, connected to potentially illegal donations from the Turkish state.

In a statement, Adams asserted he expects all staff members to follow the law and cooperate fully with any investigation, stating, “I have nothing to hide.”

The corruption probe escalated after a search of Brianna Suggs's home, Adams's former intern and head of his campaign funding organization. Adams, returning from a White House meeting about migrants, expressed concern for Suggs.

US media reported that FBI agents seized iPhones and laptop computers, investigating potential illegal kickbacks to Turkish officials by the campaign. Adams, who has denied wrongdoing, has traveled to Turkey several times in recent years.

A lawyer for Adams's campaign confirmed an individual had acted improperly and was reported to investigators. The mayor cooperated with the FBI, providing his devices.

Adams has not been accused of wrongdoing, and his 2021 campaign has been referenced in other criminal probes. The US attorney for the Southern District of New York, reportedly involved in the federal probe, declined to comment to financial times.