Iran Condemns Deadly Israeli Attacks on Gaza Residential Areas

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson strongly condemned the Israeli air raids on the refugee camps and residential areas of Gaza that have killed dozens of people, denouncing the US government’s full-fledged support for the Zionist regime’s crimes.

“Strikes by the Zionist regime’s warplanes on a residential complex in Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza housing displaced and defenseless people left more than 100 people martyred and dozens wounded. Moreover, an attack on Shujaiya neighborhood in east Gaza left over 60 people martyred. These strikes added more dark and disgraceful pages to the long list of war crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian nation over the past 50 days,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said in a post on his X account on Saturday night.

“We strongly condemn these heinous crimes. The crimes are going on at a time when the US government continues its full support for the Zionist regime and some American news outlets speak of Washington providing the apartheid Israeli regime with thousands of new bombs,” he added.

“Indubitably, the US government is an accomplice to war crimes, massacre and genocide committed by the usurper Zionist regime against Palestinians,” the spokesman stated.

Israel’s attacks on Gaza have stretched into a third day after a seven-day truce with Hamas ended.

The city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza, where thousands of civilians moved from the north of the enclave, have come under intense bombardments in recent days.

Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp has been bombed again on Wednesday after Israel attacked the densely populated camp. At least 50 people were killed after six Israeli air raids hit a residential area of the camp on Tuesday. A Hamas statement said there were 400 dead and injured in the attack.

The Israeli military has repeatedly attacked the camp since the beginning of the war, including on October 9, 12, 19 and 22, killing and wounding hundreds of people.