Iran Leaves No Hostile Action Unanswered, Spokesman Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson vowed that Iran would give an appropriate response to any hostile measure after Israeli attacks claimed the lives of two Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) servicemen in Syria.

Asked about the martyrdom of two IRGC military advisers in Syria at the hands of the Zionist regime, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said at a press conference on Monday, “Iran responds to any violation of its interests in the region and will do so (in the future).”

“No action against Iran, its interests, or our advisory forces will go unanswered,” he underlined.

The spokesman reminded the enemies that not a single anti-Iranian measure will remain unanswered.

The IRGC announced in a statement on Saturday that two of its forces had been martyred by the Zionist regime during an advisory mission in the Islamic resistance’s battlefront in Syria.