EU Poll Signals Concerns over Reduced Living Standards

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A recent Eurobarometer poll highlighted EU citizens' worries as 73% anticipate a decrease in their standard of living in the coming year.

The survey, commissioned by EU institutions, points to pandemic effects, the Ukraine conflict, and inflation as causes for 47% already experiencing a decline in living standards. Additionally, 37% struggle to pay bills regularly.

Notably, Cyprus (77%), Greece (70%), and France (69%) show significant proportions anticipating or experiencing deteriorating living conditions.

Greece stands out, with 36% facing frequent difficulties paying monthly bills, while 50% face occasional challenges, contrasting Sweden, where 93% rarely struggle with bill payments.

Despite concerns, the majority see positive impacts from EU actions in their daily lives. However, a prevailing sentiment is a perceived lack of influence on EU decisions.

These findings, unveiled six months before the 2024 European Parliament elections spanning June 6 to 9, reflect pressing concerns among EU citizens regarding their future economic situations and underline the desire for poverty alleviation to be a top priority in the Parliament's agenda.