EU's Borrell Describes Gaza as 'Apocalyptic' with Destruction Surpassing WWII Germany

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, painted a dire picture of the devastation caused by Israeli regime's genocidal war in Gaza, comparing it to a catastrophe surpassing the destruction faced by German cities in World War II.

Addressing the press in Brussels on Monday after chairing an EU foreign ministers' meeting, Borrell expressed grave concern over the relentless destruction inflicted upon Gaza due to Israel's intense military campaign.

"The situation in Gaza is catastrophic, apocalyptic," Borrell emphasized, highlighting the unprecedented level of destruction comparable to or even exceeding the devastation experienced by German cities in the Second World War. He pointed out that a staggering 85 percent of Gaza's population has been displaced internally.

The conflict arose when Israel launched a severe military operation in Gaza on October 7 in response to the Palestinian resistance groups' al-Aqsa Storm operation. Independent assessments reveal that nearly 40 percent of housing in Gaza has been damaged or obliterated.

With reports from the United Nations indicating up to 1.8 million internally displaced individuals in Gaza, many seeking refuge in overcrowded UN shelters, Borrell stressed the profound impact of civilian casualties, accounting for a substantial 60 to 70 percent of the overall deaths, according to Gaza Health Ministry figures.

"Human suffering in Gaza presents an unprecedented challenge to the international community," Borrell remarked, highlighting the toll of over 18,200 Palestinian casualties, predominantly women and children, along with over 49,600 wounded individuals and countless others missing under the rubble.

Borrell also voiced concern about escalating violence by extremist settlers in the occupied West Bank against Palestinian residents. He proposed the consideration of imposing sanctions against these settlers, intending to present a formal proposal soon, potentially involving measures like visa refusals for extremist Israeli settlers.

Citing EuroMed Rights, a network comprising 68 human rights organizations, Borrell highlighted a significant surge in violent assaults by extremist settlers across the occupied Palestinian territories, noting 1,148 attacks in the first half of the year.

Condemning Israel's approval of 1,700 additional housing units in the occupied city of al-Quds, which Brussels deems a violation of international law, Borrell echoed sentiments expressed by UN special rapporteurs Michael Lynk and Balakrishnan Rajagopal, denouncing Israeli settlements as a primary driver of the occupation and a breach of human rights law.