Israeli Raids across Occupied West Bank Result in Injuries, Arrests

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli forces conducted dawn raids targeting Tubas and Tammoun, causing injuries and detentions, reported the Palestinian news agency Wafa.

In Tubas, multiple military vehicles entered amidst gunfire, resulting in the detainment of individuals linked to released Palestinian prisoners.

Meanwhile, sources from the Red Crescent confirmed a 16-year-old was wounded in Tammoun during firing by Israeli forces, who also demolished two homes.

Israeli forces conducted additional raids, resulting in the arrest of several young men in Balaa, Tulkarem, and operations in al-Lubban Asharqiya, south of Nablus, al-Yamoun, west of Jenin, and Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

Israeli forces deployed troops and conducted searches in villages from Jenin to Hebron, resulting in multiple abductions. In Tulkarem, Qalqilia, Nablus, Jericho, Salfit, Ramallah, Jerusalem, and Hebron, homes were stormed, citizens detained, and tensions heightened with clashes erupting during protests.

Simultaneously, Jenin's Freedom Theater, a symbol of hope, faced an alarming Israeli raid and vandalism. The defacement with Israeli symbols marked a troubling event. Directors were arrested, with one remaining in detention. Established in 1987 by Arna Mer-Khamis for healing children during conflict, the theater previously endured destruction. Recent tensions from Gaza's war disrupted its role in aiding trauma recovery.