Malware Used against Iran’s Fuel Distribution System Detected

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian experts have detected the malware the enemies had used for a recent cyberattack on the country’s fuel distribution system, the head of the Civil Defense Organization of Iran said.

In comments at the opening of an exhibition of domestic civil defense industries on Saturday, Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali said the Iranian teams have identified the malware that disrupted the fuel distribution system at Iran’s gas stations on December 18.

Categorizing the malware as an advanced persistent threat (APT), the general said the malware is being analyzed in Iranian laboratories.

He likened the case of the recent cyberattack to a very complicated file of a murder investigation, saying the technical problems are being resolved to ensure the normal operation of the fuel distribution system.

More than 55 percent of the cyberattacks across the world employ artificial intelligence, he added, noting that over 30 percent of such attacks on Iran are powered by AI.

The general also stressed the need to renovate the countrywide fuel distribution system, which he said is aging and requires updating for safe connections among the processing units, payment systems, and gas stations.