Israeli Air Strikes Leave Dozens Trapped under Rubble in Central Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Numerous civilians are trapped beneath the debris, fighting for survival in the terrible aftermath as Israeli airstrikes continue to pound central Gaza.

Khalil al-Degran, a spokesperson from Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, shared the harrowing aftermath of Israeli air attacks on central Gaza, particularly the Maghazi and Bureij refugee camps, with Al Jazeera.

Al-Degran emphasized the tragic toll, highlighting that a significant number of individuals, both deceased and injured, remain buried under debris.

He condemned the Israeli airstrikes as part of a larger strategy of genocide targeting their people, citing the dire lack of medical supplies that led to the loss of lives among the wounded.

A plea was made to the international community to intervene, urging an end to the ongoing aggression and the immediate dispatch of essential medical and food provisions.

Overnight attacks in central Gaza, especially focused on the Maghazi and Bureij refugee camps, resulted in profound devastation.

The toll from the last 12 hours stands at approximately 100 lives lost, predominantly women and children, due to the airstrikes that ravaged homes, buildings, and vital infrastructures like roads surrounding the refugee camps.

Despite a recent UN Security Council resolution bolstering aid to Gaza, the intensity of Israeli air raids has escalated significantly, causing widespread destruction that starkly contrasts with the pledged aid.

The dire situation has led to acute shortages of basic necessities, including clean water and medical supplies, pushing nearly two million Gazans into severe deprivation.

Reports indicate that 96 percent of the available water is unsuitable for consumption due to deliberate strikes on wells and desalination plants by Israeli forces.

The staggering death toll has now surpassed 20,400 Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks since October 7.