Iran Interior Minister Confirms 84 Martyrs in Kerman Attack

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi affirmed the count of 84 martyrs in Wednesday’s attack in the southern city of Kerman while emphasizing the city's stable security situation, expressing confidence in apprehending the perpetrators through the nation’s security apparatuses.

Vahidi, during his visit to the victims of the terrorist attack in Kerman, praised the swift and commendable efforts of hospital medical staff in treating a significant number of wounded individuals following the two explosions that rocked the city on Wednesday. He highlighted that 111 surgical procedures were conducted on the injured.

Citing figures from forensic medicine, Vahidi noted that the confirmed number of martyrs stands was 84, acknowledging that some individuals are hospitalized in critical care units with less favorable conditions, and this figure might change.

The Interior Minister disclosed that out of 284 wounded in the attack, a substantial number have been discharged, with 220 individuals currently hospitalized in Kerman, many in stable condition or requiring minor surgeries. He expressed gratitude that most discharged patients did not face any further complications.

Vahidi affirmed the mobilization of all medical personnel to address the wounded effectively, underscoring the cooperation between health authorities for a successful treatment process.

"Security, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies are fully aware and in control, executing their plans according to established protocols," Vahidi added.

Describing the incident's analysis within Kerman's Martyrs Cemetery area, Vahidi detailed two severe explosions involving intense force and highly explosive materials, affecting civilians.

Highlighting the nature of injuries caused by shrapnel and debris, Vahidi condemned the terrorist act in Kerman as “reprehensible, cowardly, and malicious”.

Addressing the fear evident among those who were apprehensive about General Soleimani’s prowess, Vahidi emphasized that the incident “demonstrated the depth of the enemies' malevolence."

Vahidi concluded by assuring that the perpetrators of Wednesday’s terrorist incident in the vicinity of Kerman's Martyrs Cemetery will be apprehended by intelligence and security forces, adding that they and their supporters will fear the wrath of the Iranian nation.