Global Support for South Africa's Genocide Case against Israel Grows

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Bolivia declared its support for South Africa's application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding Israeli crimes of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia affirmed its participation in the case as a signatory to the Genocide Convention, emphasizing its commitment to peace and justice. Turkey and Malaysia have also publicly announced their backing for the case.

Bolivia praised South Africa's significant step in defending the Palestinian people, highlighting the joint effort with South Africa, Bangladesh, Comoros, and Djibouti to request an investigation into the situation in Palestine from the International Criminal Court on November 17.

However, Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri expressed disappointment in the lack of support from Arab and Islamic countries for South Africa's call for genocide proceedings against Israel at the ICJ.

Zuhri warned that continued official silence could enable the occupation to further erode Gaza. South Africa's case contends that Israel's aggressions in Gaza are genocidal in nature.

The ICJ is set to hear oral arguments from South Africa and the Israeli regime this week. Chris Gunness, a former UNRWA spokesman, suggested the court might order provisional measures if it finds Israel is committing genocide.

Gunness noted that if Israel engages with the court, it acknowledges the court's authority and jurisdiction. “Israel will be asked by the court to report back within a week on steps it has taken to prevent genocide,” says Gunness.

He also highlighted that an ICJ decision could exert substantial pressure on the US to facilitate a proper ceasefire, potentially isolating the country internationally if the court finds Israel guilty of genocide.