Hamas Official Says Regional Stability Hinges on Ending Zionist Occupation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Osama Hamdan, a senior official of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, emphasized that security and stability in the West Asia region are contingent on the cessation of the Zionist occupation of Palestinian territories.

During a press conference in Beirut on Saturday, Hamdan, who also represents Hamas in Lebanon, urged the United States and the UK to abandon colonial policies, emphasizing the importance of respecting the sovereignty of other nations and the interests of Muslim people.

"All countries of the world have become fed-up with aggressive policies of Washington and London," Hamdan stated, expressing the global discontent with the actions of the US and the UK. He asserted that the international community will not stand idly by in the face of the brutal Zionist crimes and the genocidal war faced by the Palestinian people.

Israel initiated its onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip on October 7, following an operation by the territory's resistance groups known as al-Aqsa Storm. The regime imposed a complete siege on Gaza, blocking the entry of fuel, electricity, food, water, and medicine into the coastal territory.

The ongoing Israeli military campaign has resulted in the deaths of at least 23,843 Palestinians, with the majority being women and children, and 60,317 others have been wounded.

Hamdan reiterated that despite the genocidal crimes committed by the Israeli regime, it has failed to achieve its goals in Gaza. He emphasized, "The Nazi enemy did not succeed in breaking the will and steadfastness of our great people ... and they were not able to undermine the strength and determination of ... the Palestinian resistance."

Highlighting strategic losses for the enemy since October 7, Hamdan predicted continued failure for the Israeli regime as it persists in its aggression against Gaza. He stated that the Palestinian people have thwarted all enemy plans so far, will continue to do so, and will achieve a clear victory in the al-Aqsa Storm operation.

Hamdan underscored that the Palestinian people's battle against occupation and colonialism spans 105 years, including 30 years of British colonialism and 75 years of Zionist occupation. He criticized the United States and its Western allies for dealing with the Zionist entity as a 'state above the law' and providing necessary support for its continued occupation.

As the regime's most dedicated ally, the United States has supplied Israel with more than 10,000 tons of military equipment since the onset of its military aggression against Gaza. Washington has consistently vetoed all United Nations Security Council resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire across the territory.