IRGC Ready to Launch Foreign Satellites

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is prepared to send the satellites of other countries into space, a commander said.

In comments at a TV appearance on Monday night, Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force’s Space Division General Ali Jafarabadi hailed the successful cooperation between the IRGC and the administration in the launch of the homegrown ‘Soraya’ satellite, which was sent into a low Earth orbit (LEO) with the ‘Qaem-100’ satellite carrier on Saturday.

He said the IRGC is prepared for more joint projects with the state-run sectors and to launch other satellites in future.

The commander also stated that if the Iranian administration holds negotiations with the neighboring countries that are in possession of research satellites weighing below 100 kilograms, the IRGC will be ready to launch the satellites of the other countries too.

The IRGC Aerospace Force has successfully put Soraya into an orbit 750 kilometers above Earth in 11 minutes with Qaem-100, a three-stage satellite carrier running on solid fuel.

General Jafarabadi has announced that within the next three years, Iran will test launch the ‘Qaem-120’ satellite carrier, which is planned to send satellites into an orbit 36,000 kilometers above Earth.