Iran Raps EU3’s Interference over Satellite Launch

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Foreign Ministry of Iran dismissed an “interfering” statement from the European troika about the recent launch of a homegrown satellite, saying Iran is entitled to use peaceful technologies for scientific advances in accordance with international law.

In a statement released on Saturday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani condemned the interfering statement issued by the UK, France and Germany about the launch of Iran’s Soraya research satellite.

The trio, in a joint statement on Friday, have condemned the launch of Soraya satellite using Iran’s Qaem-100 satellite carrier, which they have alleged uses technology essential for the development of a long-range ballistic missile system that could allow Iran to launch longer-range weapons.

In response, Kanaani underlined that Iran has the “inalienable and legitimate right” to make scientific and research advances in the aerospace sector, adding that the “interfering comments” from the EU3, which reveal their self-centered views regarding Iran’s progress, will by no means undermine the Iranian nation’s determination to make steady headway in science and technology.

“In spite of a series of arbitrary interpretations based on the unilateral tendencies of certain parties, there are no limitations to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s scientific and applied activities in the space research sphere in compliance with international regulations. Accordingly, our country categorically rejects and roundly dismisses the imposition of such unconventional approaches,” he stated.

The spokesman reaffirmed Iran’s right to use peaceful technologies in the course of scientific and research development, as enshrined in international law and regulations, noting that Tehran won’t wait for the views of the countries that seek to impose their unilateral policies on others.

On January 20, Iran sent its homegrown Soraya satellite into a low Earth orbit (LEO) with the Qaem-100 satellite carrier.

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force successfully put Soraya into an orbit 750 kilometers above Earth in 11 minutes.

The research satellite, manufactured by the Iranian Space Agency, was launched with a Qaem-100, a three-stage satellite carrier with solid fuel developed by the IRGC Aerospace Force.