Hezbollah Launches Precision-Strike Missile Attacks on Israeli Positions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hezbollah, the Lebanese resistance movement, announced a series of new attacks targeting Israeli positions along Lebanon's border with the occupied territories.

The movement said to have used precision-strike missiles in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The announcement came in a statement released on Sunday.

Some of the targeted locations were identified by Hezbollah as gathering sites of Israeli soldiers at the regime's barracks and bases, with the operations resulting in direct hits. The Al-Raheb site was said to be targeted with Burkan missiles, while the Khirbet Ma’er base was struck using two Falaq 1 missiles. Hezbollah also claimed success in targeting a gathering of Israeli soldiers east of the Birkat Risha site with precision missiles, achieving direct hits.

A video released by Hezbollah showcased its precision operation targeting Israel's espionage equipment at the Ras Naqoura naval site. The strikes triggered sirens in illegal Israeli settlements of Sderot, Efim, and Niram near the occupied territories' border with Gaza.

In a statement, Hezbollah expressed its commitment to supporting the people and resistance of Gaza amid "brutal Zionist aggression, backed by an American green light and (with) complicity of Western and numerous Arab regimes."

The Israeli regime initiated its onslaught against Gaza on October 7, 2023, in response to an anti-Israeli operation by the territory's resistance movements, known as Al-Aqsa Storm operation. The resulting brutal military onslaught has led to the death of at least 26,422 Palestinians, predominantly women and children, and the injury of over 65,000 others. This military action enjoys significant military and political support from the United States.

Following the outbreak of the war, Israel extended its attacks to Lebanon, sparking a confrontation with Hezbollah. The intensity of Hezbollah's confrontation with Israel escalated notably after a series of regime-led assassinations, including that of Saleh Al-Arouri, a senior official of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, who was targeted on January 2.

On the same day, Hezbollah announced the martyrdom of three of its members, identified as Sadiq Mohammad Hashem, Ali Jamal Shokr, and Hussein Hassan Halawi.