Israel Detains over 6,000 Palestinians since October 7: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Israeli regime has incarcerated at least 6,330 Palestinians since October 7, 2023, when it initiated a genocidal war against the besieged Gaza Strip and heightened aggressive raids across the occupied West Bank, as per a report released on Sunday.

The report, jointly issued by the Palestinian Commission of Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners' Society (PPS), disclosed these figures, including the detention of 400 Palestinian children during the specified period, with 30 of them held in administrative detention. Administrative detention is a controversial policy allowing Israel to detain Palestinians indefinitely without formal charges or a trial.

"The number of administrative detainees in Israeli prisons is the highest since the 1987 (Palestinian) uprising (against the Israeli occupation), surging to 3,291 administrative detainees by the end of last December," stated the PPS.

The number of administrative detainees has now surpassed those serving regular sentences or awaiting trial, according to the society.

Tensions have remained elevated across the West Bank since Israel's genocidal war against Gaza began following an anti-Israeli operation by the territory's resistance movements, known as Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that Israeli forces have killed 373 Palestinians throughout the occupied territory since the onset of the aggression, with over 4,300 others injured. In the Gaza Strip, the brutal military onslaught by Israel has resulted in the death of at least 26,422 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and over 65,000 others have been injured.

The PPS highlighted that currently, 11 Palestinian women out of 90 female prisoners at the Damon jail in the northern part of the occupied Palestinian territories are under administrative detention with no indictment or trial. The society further noted a recent four-month administrative detention order against lawyer and human rights activist Diyala Ayesh, who was kidnapped by the regime's forces at a checkpoint in the north of the West Bank city of Bethlehem. Over 50 other women are reported to have forcibly disappeared after being kidnapped by Israeli forces from Gaza recently.